An Evolution of the Alexander Technique – Selected Writings
by Walter Carrington and Dilys Carrington
Paperback. 406 pages. Published 4th May 2017.
The Sheildrake Press. ISBN 978-0-9519998-2-0. 235 x 156 mm. Illustrated.
Walter Carrington and Dilys Carrington’s development of the Alexander Technique continue to be inspiring and influential. This comprehensive collection of their writings brings together more than 45 articles, lectures and interviews covering the period 1960 to 2005. In addition a number of letters and smaller pieces are here published for the first time. The collection is divided into eight parts:
One: The Alexander Technique
Two: Teaching the Alexander Technique
Three: History of the Alexander Technique
Four: Interviews
Five: STAT
Six: Notes and Drafts
Seven: Dilys Carrington
Eight: Appendix
Among the appendices are notes of training with Walter Carrington 1955–59 by a student, and Walter Carrington’s 1959 diary of attending the First International Congress for Release of Tension and Functional Movement, in Copenhagen. Full listing of contents in 4-page PDF.
£30.00 including DVD.
Two Private Lessons with Walter Carrington DVD
Free DVD accompanying “An Evolution of the Alexander Technique”. Unedited Documentary Film Footage filmed in Walter Carrington’s teaching room at 18, Lansdowne Road, London.
In May 1997 Graham Thompson and Ross Allen – who were at that time training with Ken Thompson at his teacher training course in Essex – had a lesson each from Walter Carrington. They filmed each other’s lessons. They had not had any lessons from Walter Carrington before.
This rare film footage provides an authentic record of two lessons given by Walter Carrington. Graham and Ross did not have a plan or a script, but were making a film record of Walter teaching. Hence the results are spontaneous and natural, a fair documentary of what a lesson with Walter Carrington would have been like at that time. Walter Carrington had trained 1936-39 with F. M. Alexander, and Walter taught until his death in 2005. In May 1997 he was 82 years old. The footage shows the simplicity and ease with which he approached and taught his lessons.
Running time approx. 53 minutes.
Here is a short extract from the DVD: